Balili Free




This page contains a list of scheduled project events, and key milestones and deliverables.

In addition, we maintain the following prioritized lists of what we're working on this week, and what we plan to do next week:

This week

  1. sleeping doing nothing because of insufficient money to play Dota
  2. watching tv
  3. masturbating (joke)

Next week

  1. Probably we have money to play Dota
  2. debating about the meaning of life
  3. Arguing about religion and meaning of life
  4. Arguing about Dota technique
  5. right versus left handed masturbation


Monday, 1:30 pm

Monthly arak problem review.
Location:: Mcby's store.

Friday, 10:00 am or 7:00 pm

Computer game (dota)
Location: Western computer center.


Milestones and Deliverables

Q1 -- Feasibility study and going to cesmin bauang beach

Summary available.

Q3 -- Going to itogon hot spring

2/3 done.
Projected completion: September 29th.

Q4 -- Going to asin hot spring for the second time

On track.
Projected ship date: December 11th.


What We Do

We are here to play Dota. We train noobs to become aggresive,alert, and program to quit when it is necessary. We will develop your ability to take correct split second decision.

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About Us

What do you need to know about us ha. We are here at western computer center everyday if we have money, and doing what we do best, which is what? playing dota. We train noobs for free. Just ask the master trainer Bookie.

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News and Events

GREAT NAMES you should name your kids: The Sperminator,Major Dick Pounder,Hairy Albert Cock,Bj or BlowJob, Tokmolation, Bookie-Okie, Bakayan,Mahang-obet, Ambabal,Bayang.

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